[14AD] 14th Armored Divison

Created: 12/24/2019
Commander: BlackyTheWolfy7
Not registered on site

Good vibes!

Welcome to 14th AD, quick to the point, you must have a WR 45%+ OR a Average Dmg of 1000+. If you do not fit (at the minimum) one of these baslines, you will be booted by the end of the month.
Average damage


Average winrate


4 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
BlackyTheWolfy7 Commander 1405 days 1362 58
Z_Monsta Executive Officer 1238 days 788 54
Alottadamage06 Executive Officer 1342 days 393 51
D0DDZE Executive Officer 1410 days 625 44
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 7547 8178899
BlackyTheWolfy7 708 882299
Z_Monsta 4610 4617748
Alottadamage06 164 98647
D0DDZE 2065 2580205
Total 7547 8178899