[BBOLD] Be Bold!

Created: 08/16/2015
Commander: Sgt_Adams35
Not registered on site

Fortuna Audaces Luvat - Fortune Favors the Bold

This clan is for brave warriors that play the game boldly and are not afraid to rush when appropriate. Those that understand you can't rush in YOLO, nor camp the whole match with no targets to shoot. It's for aggressive players that can sense when the tide is turning and forcefully make their own destiny. Cowardly campers and kill stealers need not apply.
Average damage


Average winrate


16 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
Sgt_Adams35 Commander 2984 days 1173 56
BBallGC Executive Officer 3023 days 802 47
xxX_Xxx_2022 Executive Officer 441 day 882 50
syl63 Executive Officer 3022 days 953 54
JackhammerJim Executive Officer 2549 days 816 52
Bunkerbold Executive Officer 2108 days 884 52
___AzMzS825 Private 3022 days 567 54
Leadrain2319 Private 3021 day 924 50
O1R Private 1470 days 775 77
Lion_Balor Private 356 days 965 51
Tannisan01 Private 3020 days 611 46
Deathdealer2432 Private 1515 days 361 45
Destroyer21_23 Private 1211 days 398 46
xXInconcieveableXx Private 2926 days 916 54
calvarysword1911 Private 3022 days 493 52
north95 Private 3023 days 847 53
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 144000 149640105
Sgt_Adams35 14197 16496063
BBallGC 8668 10254706
xxX_Xxx_2022 1083 1254909
syl63 20272 19616474
JackhammerJim 41095 45724217
Bunkerbold 5879 6912154
___AzMzS825 11469 5057464
Leadrain2319 8823 11745661
O1R 31 10072
Lion_Balor 1765 2247576
Tannisan01 3416 4312266
Deathdealer2432 1542 887915
Destroyer21_23 151 70421
xXInconcieveableXx 6611 6309126
calvarysword1911 4279 2718362
north95 14719 16022719
Total 144000 149640105