Created: 04/11/2018
Commander: trashpanda2
Not registered on site

Changed by admin

Pls be active Pls be nice to all Pls let your clan leader know if you going to be off line for more then one week so he wont kick you Pls dont talk trash about this clan Pls dont be a troll Pls play as a team I dont make anyone do tournaments Family(TMSS) For discord add me COBRA_BUBBLES#2006
Average damage


Average winrate


5 members
Player Rank Veterancy Damage %
trashpanda2 Commander 108 days 1532 72
MiniDefender Executive Officer 1913 days 1007 50
Cadislover225 Executive Officer 791 day 751 60
ur_sexy_fox Executive Officer 705 days 146 46
ironichi Executive Officer 1403 days 695 47
Summary values
Player Kills Damage
Total 25515 31057008
trashpanda2 805 649512
MiniDefender 10905 12166778
Cadislover225 403 220931
ur_sexy_fox 44 22045
ironichi 13358 17997742
Total 25515 31057008