
China Heavy Tank
X tier
WZ-113 в World of Tanks Blitz
X tier / Heavy Tank / China / Not Premium

Best players

Only tanks with at least 100 battles take part in rating. 50 vehicles total.

Best by ER

# Player Games Victories ER
1 Profes..utti [50A] 189 65% 1914
2 Gamer_725 1522 68% 1908
3 _DragonKRIEG [RGN] 432 73% 1855
4 teddyvball [PNCR] 215 68% 1834
5 DarkTronics [LVG] 641 71% 1831
6 HisRoy..ness [PRAMO] 107 64% 1759
7 _JessN..mits 321 64% 1739
8 _INCESTICIDE [_IVY] 2068 62% 1718
9 _Mayumi [7L] 404 65% 1690
10 AshNaz..uluk [--ACE] 587 65% 1686

Best by WN7

# Player Games Victories WN7
1 Gamer_725 1522 68% 1989
2 DarkTronics [LVG] 641 71% 1969
3 _DragonKRIEG [RGN] 432 73% 1964
4 teddyvball [PNCR] 215 68% 1894
5 HisRoy..ness [PRAMO] 107 64% 1860
6 _JessN..mits 321 64% 1760
7 AK98_ [-SVG] 470 66% 1733
8 Posit1ve_ [_V_] 575 65% 1728
9 Tan_Ta..rong [KOZY] 360 68% 1717
10 Profes..utti [50A] 189 65% 1716

Best by MGR

# Player Games Victories MGR
1 Gamer_725 1522 68% 66.232
2 DarkTronics [LVG] 641 71% 62.150
3 _DragonKRIEG [RGN] 432 73% 61.766
4 teddyvball [PNCR] 215 68% 57.257
5 _INCESTICIDE [_IVY] 2068 62% 55.123
6 Posit1ve_ [_V_] 575 65% 54.416
7 AshNaz..uluk [--ACE] 587 65% 53.721
8 HisRoy..ness [PRAMO] 107 64% 53.395
9 AK98_ [-SVG] 470 66% 52.508
10 _JessN..mits 321 64% 52.505
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Average tank indicators

Calculated only among the tanks, on which at least 100 battles were held. Total processed 50 vehicles.
Victories %DamageSpottedEnemies destroyedDefenseK/damK/destr
57.889 2347.381 1.430 0.978 0.501 1.755 3.021
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